J'aime beaucoup la cuisine francaise. I love French food! Before arriving in Paris I developed a "bucket list" of sorts. One of the best ways to experience a different culture is through its food. And I proceeded to have my fill. While the potential to gain at least 10 pounds was real, I was surprised when the scale registered only 1 1/2 pounds gain! But, Paris is hardly the place to stick to any type of diet!
One MUST try as many fine pastries, chocolates, cheeses, wine and baguettes as possible! I excelled in this category. I'm 1/4 French, after all. It's in my blood! Here's a sample of the beautiful food. Disclaimer: Not all was eaten, but they sure looked nice.
The mornings usually began with cafe or chocolate chaud (hot chocolate) along with a buttery flaky croissant, pain chocolat or other mouth watering pastry.
Paris is truly a walking city, fairly flat and spread out. To devour some of these treats with no guilt attached, a metro trip to Montmartre with the equivalent of 20 flights of stairs (Who's counting? I was with every breath!) would be in order. The reward? A fresh chocolate hazelnut crepe from one of many street vendors in the small quaint village.
If you want to eat a little more sensibly the choices are everywhere with a bistro or cafe on every corner, it seems. Or you can grab a quick bite from the market or display cases of the local neighborhood boulangerie.
Next segments: Some sights in Paris.
The food of Southern France. Stay tuned!
Oh man I'd go crazy there!!