Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Father's Harvest

I'm so fortunate to have my parents living so close by for many reasons. Although I don't see them enough I always try to visit them at least twice a week. They are an active 80+ couple who enjoy their home and garden. Just recently they put in a rock wall by themselves! What?! It's pretty hard to keep them down.

My mom tends to her flowers and still mows the back lawn. My dad enjoys feeding his flock of ducks and reaping the harvest from his garden. Growing up we always had some sort of vegetable garden. I guess that's where I get my love of gardening although it's not so easy in my neck of the woods. "Ol Rocky Sage Critterville" My parents came up yesterday with some great Italian peppers, eggplant and bell peppers from their garden so naturally dinner would evolve around this bounty.

Still keeping with the "slim down" regiment I quickly made some basmati rice and served the medley of veggies over the top. I just sauteed some cut up onion, Italian peppers, roasted red peppers, mushrooms and garlic together with herbs de Provence. And dinner was served in less than 30 minutes!

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