Monday, February 13, 2017
A New Activity For a New Year
I've been neglecting my blog for quite some time now. Not intentionally, though. I still cook and create. As for the hiking segments (posts) the mountains of the Sierra's will need to wait for the Spring (perhaps Summer) thaw. It's been a record snow year in these parts. Most of the trails we hiked in Spring and early Summer possibly won't be accessible until Mid-Summer because of the snowpack. Attempting to get some much needed exercise has been difficult but not enough to go join a gym. I prefer to breathe fresh air vs gym air. Yes, I'm a gymaphobe! Luckily, our son and daughter bought us new snowshoes for Christmas! Now our activity level doesn't have to suffer.
For weeks we were able to just walk out the front door to take advantage of our snowshoes. A few weekends ago we tried them out in much deeper snow (probably 25-30 ft depth) up near Mt. Rose summit and also at Galena Creek park the day before. I had no idea what amount of calories you burn doing this new activity. In deep snow on hilly terrain for about an hour you can rack up 750-1000+ calories. Factor in the high altitude of over 8500 ft and you have the perfect outdoor gym! The pristine sparkling vistas and solitude (except for an occasional snow mobile revving) almost took away the yearning I've been having for the beach!
Mountains or beach, you decide!
Back to cooking.... During the Winter months our grill enters into hibernation as it's wheeled into the shed, only to reappear in late Spring. Until then, I'm busy creating mostly stove top, crockpot and oven meals. I do miss the char you get from the barbecue. Years ago I would have deep fried them and brushed a bit of sauce on at the end. (too much grease, cleanup and not so healthy) Now, I just bake them and baste with the sauce as they cook.
These are the easiest baked wings ever!
1 pkg of wings (usually 10-12)
about 1/2 cup of your favorite barbecue sauce
1 Tablespoon honey
about 1 tsp sriracha hot sauce
Spray a sheet pan with Pam or pan coating spray
Arrange wings onto sheet. Cook in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Before turning over baste with sauce. Continue to cook for additional 10 minutes, turn, baste and cook for 5 more minutes or until done. Enjoy!
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