Thursday, January 2, 2014
Happy New Year
As I reflected over the last year and all of it's happenings, I have vowed or maybe made resolutions to move forward as best I can. I came across this saying. "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year" - Ralph Waldo Emerson. I would hope those are good words to live by. Even though the slate is clean for the New Year, I like to think that last year and all the years leading up to this point have been and continue to be "building blocks"...a chance to make things better and an opportunity to transform my world.
If you're like me...I am a huge list maker. I just function better if I have something to guide me. I have grocery lists, books to read lists, a list of classes I want to take this year, foods I have never made, but would like to, on my bucket list, another garden list (plantings), a general daily list of things to do and last, but not least, a travel bucket list. Whew!!
As for a New Year's resolution I decided the following sentence will be my mantra. NOTHING WILL SURPRISE ME, BUT EVERYTHING WILL AMAZE ME. Does that make sense?
In keeping with the "list theme" I'll be doing my most popular posts of 2013 (that is the posts that received the most hits) and my recap of the year post. Of course, I'll create many more dishes to write about. Stay tuned...Happy New Year to all and God Bless!
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