
Saturday, June 25, 2011

My First Summer Salad

This last week I had my first Summer salad with fixings from my garden!  The butter lettuce has been flourishing along with the spinach and radishes.  I'm loving the taste of fresh picked veggies!  There is nothing like it!  Even going to the farmer's market doesn't compare when you can walk right out the door and start gathering.

My hops vine reaching for the sun - Beer anyone?
The night before,  I made my maple glazed salmon in foil packets on our new grill.  I had leftover chunks of salmon  so into the salad it went with a drizzle of FF honey mustard and a sprinkle of goat cheese.  All my favorites!

Simple salmon and butter lettuce salad

The next night I sauteed the "first pick" of the swiss chard in olive oil and garlic.  Yum!   I've been making use of the fresh parsley and lemon verbena before a hungry rabbit demolishes it.  The war of the garden has begun with all the critters so most of my garden is extremely "raised" or double fenced!

Resting and digesting after a meal of parsley and lemon verbena

  Hopefully, this year the harvest will be plentiful, enough for all.  I'll keep you posted.

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