
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Are you Ready for some Football?

Maybe, I've finally gone mad or maybe it's my way of "yielding" to what's on most people's mind this time of year.  Superbowl!   I just don't get it.  Never have, and probably never will.  But, since food plays a huge part of this celebration I will submit only for this reason.

In my high school years I was the one who went to the games for the "social" aspect, only.  I went for my girlfriends, but truthfully, to be "on the prowl" for great guys.  How shallow, right?  Not to mention the parties after the game!

So, this year I decided to make the best of it.  I won't be watching the game but I'll do what I do best, cook for it.  In order to do so, research had to be done.   I know zero  about football teams!  I needed some incentive.  After studying the facts about the cities of Pittsburgh and Green Bay I came to the conclusion I would root for the Packers.  Why?  Because the city in Wisconsin has a French beginning to it.  I learned that a French explorer from Quebec area sailed down the Ottawa River and  through the waterway systems and ended up in the Green Bay area.  At the time the Winnebago (Indian tribe) people welcomed this explorer and subsequently "paved " the way for more French to settle there.  Yes, as some of you know, I am part French.

Another reason I found which  would hopefully catapult my excitement for the game is that Vince Lombardi in the 1960's coached this team to greatness.  He was quite the leader as I've read several books about his inspirational ways.  And besides, he was Italian, and I do love most things Italian.

So, forgive me you Steelers fans, but my team will be the Packers, for all the wrong reasons!

1)  Isn't Wisconsin know for its cheese?  Cheese is a staple during Superbowl!

2)  The French connection (my ancestors)

3)  Vince Lombardi (He's Italian)

So, during this week I'll prepare food you can make for the big game, starting tomorrow with a Dreamsicle Cocktail!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be back to see what you'll be bakin' for game day. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
