
Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby!!

Let the celebration begin! Jeremy, my son, is 33 years old today. How can that be? I'm NOT that old, or am I? Maybe I really was that "child bride" my husband talks about!

I remember years ago when I was in labor for the 3rd time, (That's another story) that I would soon be blessed with a child. I did not know whether he would be a boy or girl like so many parents find out beforehand. I had already chosen a girl's name, Danielle, but I was not ready to provide a boy's name. But, I knew deep down it would be a boy. Mother's just know! So, when I was approached to make a decision on a name I blurted out, Jeremy! Where did that come from, I thought at the time?

Flash forward to many years later. I was browsing through the Bible and came upon this verse. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Jeremiah 29:11. The verse doesn't end there but that's all I needed to hear at the time.

Yes, Jeremy is my gift from God and continues to bless me! I have honored him every year with his own triple chocolate cake! This has been our tradition for the last 29 years. I know what you were thinking; what does this have to do with a blog on food and travel? Not much, but some things just need to be said...

The recipe for "Jeremy's Triple Chocolate Cake" will be on tomorrow's blog. Enjoy the day, I will... and happy birthday, JD! I Love you!!


  1. Wow. 30 years young. Wendy, continue writing. I'm enjoying your memories.

  2. Thanks Mom I love you! You're blog is great!
